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Janousek, J., Melichar, B. On Regular Tree Languages and Deterministic Pushdown Automata. In Acta Informatica, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 533-547, Springer, 2009. Available online here.


Melichar, B., Janousek, J., Flouri T. Arbology - Basic Notions. Abstract In: LSD 2009 Talks' Abstracts, Department of Computer Science, King's College, London, p. 11. Slides.

Janousek, J., Melichar, B. Subtree and Tree Pattern Pushdown Automata for Trees in Prefix Notation. Abstract In: LSD 2009 Talks' Abstracts, Department of Computer Science, King's College, London, p. 9. Slides.

Flouri, T., Melichar, B., Janousek, J. Tree Pattern Matching by Pushdown Automata. Abstract In: LSD 2009 Talks' Abstracts, Department of Computer Science, King's College, London, p. 5. Slides.

Melichar, B., Janousek, J. Repeats in Trees and Pushdown Automata. Abstract In: LSD 2009 Talks' Abstracts, Department of Computer Science, King's College, London, p. 12. Slides.

Janousek, J. String Suffix Automata and Subtree Pushdown Automata. In:
Proceedings of the Prague Stringology Conference 2009, pp. 160--172, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, 2009. Abstract. Available online here.

Flouri, T., Janousek , J., Melichar, B. Subtree Matching by Deterministic Pushdown Automata. In: Proceedings of the IMCSIT, Vol. 4, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 659-666, 2009. Abstract.

Janousek, J., Melichar, B. Subtree Pushdown Automata and Tree Pattern Pushdown Automata for Trees in Prefix Notation. Submitted for publication, 2009. Abstract.


Flouri, T., Janousek , J., Melichar, B. Subtree matching and pushdown automata. In: COMSIS, Vol. 7, No.2, pp. 331-357, ComSIS Consortium, 2010. Abstract.

Flouri, T., Janousek , J., Melichar, B. Aho-Corasick like multiple subtree matching by deterministic pushdown automata. To appear in proceedings of ACM SAC 2010 conference, 2009.

Flouri, T., Janousek , J., Melichar, B . Approximate Subtree Matching by Pushdown Automata. Presentation at LSD 2010 conference, London, 2010. Abstract.

Plicka, M., Janousek , J., Melichar, B. Oracle Subtree Pushdown Automata for Trees. Presentation at LSD 2010 conference, London, 2010. Abstract.

Stoklasa, J., Janousek , J., Melichar, B.Subtree Pushdown Automata for Trees in Bar Notation. Presentation at LSD 2010 conference, London, 2010. Abstract.

Melichar, B. Arbology: Trees and pushdown automata. In: LNCS 6031 (LATA 2010), invited speaker, pp. 32-49, Springer, 2010.

Flouri, T. Searching in Tree Structures. PhD thesis proposal report. Defended in CTU FEE Prague, 2010.

Janousek, J. Arbology: Algorithms on Trees and Pushdown Automata. Habilitation thesis, submitted, 161 pages, 2010.

Lahoda, J., Zdarek, J. : Simple Tree Pattern Matching for Trees in
Prefix Bar Notation
, submitted, 2010.